Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Gotta love naptime!

*Sigh* I FREAKIN LOVE NAP TIME! I know I should be doing something more creative with this hour I have to myself but it feels great to chill! The girls are so hyper it seems! It seems that all day, all I do is chase Morgan down or break up fights. lol

We are in the process of trading our truck for something smaller. Even though I love my truck, its just way to big (the payments pretty big too!) and uses way to much gas. I kinda want to trade and kinda don't, so if it don't work out I won't be disappointed. I've decide that if/when we do trade I'm going to put the extra money into savings each month. I used to be so good at saving but for some reason since having the girls I suck at it! There is so much we want for the house and for ourself that we could afford more easily if not for that huge payment each month. We'll probably go in debt yet again for Andrew a small or mid-sized truck this fall. Its just so hard having one truck that we have to share. He's driving it to work every other day and I'm stuck here at the house on those days. Not that theres much in this county to go do! But still it'll be nice to have my own ride!! lol

Well its bout time for the girls to wake up, I'm gonna go for a walk or something!! Peace out!!!! :)

1 comment:

Regina said...

I love naptime too! Its wonderful! Seems like thats the only time I can get anything done.